Big, Big News

So…it’s been a week of BIG, BIG NEWS…

First and foremost, I can now officially announce that Thereafter, the sequel to Hereafter and the second book in my Afterlife Series, will be released on June 1, 2013 (available to order starting May 1st)!!!
You know what this means…over the next couple of months be on the lookout for cover art reveals and teaser excerpts! In fact, I can tell you that I’m planning a big blog tour in February to coincide with Parentalia (more about that in a future blog post), in which I’ll be revealing many hints about what’s coming up in Book 2 (and beyond!).

The second bit of big news is that Hereafter has been nominated for the Preditors and Editors’s “Best of 2012” Readers' Choice Poll in the Science Fiction and Fantasy category!!! Thank you to whoever nominated me – it might be clichéd, but it really is an honor just to know that there’s someone out there who liked my work enough to nominate it for an award. Voting ends January 10th - if you have a moment, please vote for Hereafter!

Thank you so much to all of you for making 2012 such a great year! Thanks to you, it looks like 2013 is going to be even better!

Interview at Laurie's Paranormal Thoughts

Laurie's Paranormal Thoughts and Reviews
Hey, I have a guest post/interview over at Laurie's Paranormal Thoughts and Reviews, and it's not just any old interview, it's a CHARACTER INTERVIEW! That's right, all you Jonah lover's, this one is for you - Jonah gets to speak for himself for the first time! Enjoy! Plus, there's also a giveaway of a copy of Hereafter - open until 12/15/12. Please show Laurie's blog a little love and leave a comment!

Hereafter Release Party

Come help me celebrate the release of Hereafter on Saturday, September 15th from 11 am to 3 pm at the Portsmouth, NH public library.


In Case You Missed It: Hereafter Blog Tour



We are launching HEREAFTER in style--with more than 20 blog tour stops and dozens of prizes, there's something for everyone and a chance to win a copy of HEREAFTER almost every day. Tweet about the party using #hereaftertour

So What's a Blog Tour Anyway?


So...big doings! Starting Monday, I'll be embarking on a month-long virtual release party/blog tour for Hereafter. Hooray! I have more than 25 blog tour stops lined up with an array of incredible and amazing folks - authors, aspiring authors, book bloggers, you name it, we've got it!

So, what is a blog tour, anyway?

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